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Little Millet | Saame

Availability: In stock

Product Description

Little Millet, also called Saame or Samai is a variety of small millet which can be used as a great replacement for rice.Millets are great for everyone's diet especially for diabetic people due to their low glycemic index, gluten free properties, high fibre content, antioxidants and micronutrients. Millets release sugar into our bloodstream slowly and steadily since they are digested more slowly. This is generally not the case with rice which releases sugars almost immediately after consumption. A mix of each millet are therefore health boosters and are a must have in every pantry.

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Availability: In stock

Know Your Supplier


Vedah farms is a network of organic and natural farmers who grow and make products practicing organic or traditional Natural (ZBNF) farming methods. We as farmers worship the Indian cow and make most mixtures using the cow dung and urine of the Indian cow breeds. This supports our farming practices and allows us to offer you healthy and chemical free produce coming from fertile soils. All produce is farm fresh coming from local farmers. We also organise farm visits and tours for those interested to learn more about chemical free farming traditional to India. You can email us at for the same.
Fibre Rich Food Diabetic Friendly Reduces Obesity Less Carbs Heart Health Chemical Free Farming Unpolished